Upon Further Review

It’s 2018. The Dodgers Never Left Brooklyn. Here’s How the World Would Be Different.

NPR’s Robert Siegel has come out of retirement to investigate.


Jackie Robinson during baseball practice in 1949.

Bettmann via Getty Images

It’s 2018, and after decades of threatening to do so, The Dodgers are finally leaving Brooklyn. What will this mean for the city’s vibrant cultural scene and local economy? Or is it possible nobody will even notice, since the Brooklyn Nets dominate this hoops and hip-hop-obsessed borough nowadays?

If you’re thinking, “Wait, what?” you’re not alone. Of course, The Dodgers originally left for Los Angeles in 1957, and have won five World Series titles since their move west. But what if the team had stayed? What would the Bums mean to Brooklyn in 2018?

Upon Further Review, the new podcast mini-series from Slate’s Mike Pesca, based on his book of the same name, explores some of the greatests counterfactual sporting scenarios through a combination of speculative fiction, investigative journalism, and sound-rich narrative.

In this episode, we assigned legendary NPR host Robert Siegel to investigate a bygone era that never actually left. You’ll be amazed by what he found.

Get Episode 1 of Upon Further Review, “If Nixon Was Good at Football, History Might Be Different,” here. Get Episode 2, How Actor Jesse Eisenberg Doomed the Phoenix Suns, here.

Podcast production by Bradley Campbell and Derek John.