Slate’s Empire Podcast: Listen to the second season.

The Empire Podcast: The Second Season Is Here

The Empire Podcast: The Second Season Is Here

Slate Plus
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Oct. 2 2015 4:29 PM

The Empire Podcast: The Second Season Is Here

Hear Slate’s complete commentary on the newest Empire episodes.

Empire Season 2 cast photo
The stars of Empire.

Image by James Dimmock/FOX

Empire has returned for its second season, and Slate’s TV Club is back to share their thoughts on the raving FOX drama—from celebrity appearances to weakening family ties to continuing ambitions. Listen as each week, our TV Club compares the show’s plot twists to real-life events in politics, music, and culture.

Below you can find every episode of the Slate Plus Empire Podcast. To access each show’s episode page, click here. Stay tuned for more!