The Audio Book Club

The Audio Book Club Reads When Breath Becomes Air

Slate critics debate neurosurgeon Paul Kalanithi’s cancer memoir.

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Slate critics Meghan O’Rourke, Parul Sehgal, and Katy Waldman discuss When Breath Becomes Air, the unfinished memoir of a talented neurosurgeon, Paul Kalanithi, who was diagnosed with lung cancer at 36. Kalanithi writes movingly about the moral aspect of medicine, the surreal transition from doctor to patient, and the even more surreal fact of mortality. What does his memoir add to the growing genre of cancer literature?

Next month the Audio Book Club will dig into Dave Eggers’ novel A Hologram for the King. Read the book and stay tuned for our discussion in May!

Visit our Audio Book Club archive page for a complete list of the more than 75 books we’ve discussed over the years. Or you can listen to any of our previous club meetings through our iTunes feed.

See all the pieces in this month’s Slate Book Review.

Podcast produced by Jayson De Leon and Andy Bowers.