Robin Marantz Henig and Samantha Henig, authors of Twentysomething: Why Do Young Adults Seem Stuck?, interviewed.

The Afterword Episode 24: Robin Marantz Henig and Samantha Henig, authors of Twentysomething, Interviewed

The Afterword Episode 24: Robin Marantz Henig and Samantha Henig, authors of Twentysomething, Interviewed

Conversations with writers.
Nov. 8 2012 7:39 AM

What’s the Matter With Millennials?

An interview with Robin Marantz Henig and Samantha Henig.


Listen to Episode 24 of The Afterword:

June Thomas June Thomas

June Thomas is managing producer of Slate podcasts.

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In 2010, award-winning science writer Robin Marantz Henig wrote a story for the New York Times Magazine called “What Is It About 20-Somethings?” The massive public response proved that Americans of all ages had strong opinions on the question of whether technology and the economic crisis have made the contemporary experience of young adulthood different from at other times in recent American history. Marantz Henig and her daughter Samantha examined the latest research—and talked to both millennials and baby boomers—and produced Twentysomething: Why Do Young Adults Seem Stuck? The discussion lasts about 25 minutes.

The Afterword, which appears in the Slate daily podcast feed every other Thursday, features interviews with the authors of new nonfiction books. The next guests will be Oliver Burkeman, author of The Antidote: Happiness for People Who Can't Stand Positive Thinking. It will be available on Nov. 22.

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The podcast is produced by June Thomas. The executive producer of Slate’s podcasts is Andy Bowers.