Studio 360

Michael Chabon Sings

The Pulitzer Prize–winner’s punk awakening, Vincent van Gogh’s paintings come to life, and kids’ books as literature.

Chris Koeningsberg, Steve Sciulli, Dennis Childers, Archie “Hans” Werner, and Karl Mullen of Carsickness.

Stacy Weiss

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Danny Strong joins Kurt Andersen to talk about how he began his career as an actor, evolved into a writer of movies like Game Change, and recently made his directorial debut with Rebel in the Rye, which is about the circumstances under which J.D. Salinger wrote The Catcher in the Rye. The stunning new animated film Loving Vincent is a biopic of Vincent van Gogh, meticulously painted to appear as though van Gogh’s paintings have come to life. Michael Chabon recalls his college years in Pittsburgh—when a post-punk band called Carsickness fueled his own coming-of-age story.

And Bruce Handy, Andersen, and both writers’ kids sit down in the studio to talk about the enduring power of children’s literature, which Handy writes about in his new book, Wild Things: The Joy of Reading Children’s Literature as an Adult.

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