
Slate Podcast Roundup

Plus, your recommended podcasts.

A few weeks ago, I invited Slate readers to help me sort through the thousands of podcasts out there and recommend a few that might be of interest to those already downloading Slate’s own daily podcasts. Many of you wrote in with suggestions, and I’ve now had a chance to listen to most of them. It’s an eclectic list, somewhat heavy on British programs, and it includes several I intend to keep on my iPod. Click here for the list.

And in case you missed any of Slate’s recent podcasts, here’s a list from the past week. (For the complete archive of our podcasts, click here.)

Sept. 12: Swiping From Seinfeld ( Slate article)
Sept. 9:
FEMA’s Feeble Chief ( Slate article)
Sept. 8:
Don’t Help Katrina’s Victims Too Much ( Slate article)
Sept. 7:
What Does the Chief Justice Do? ( Slate article)
Sept. 6:
My Year of Hurricanes ( Slate article)
Sept. 2:
Summary Judgment ( Slate article)Write us anytime at podcasts@slate.com. Note: E-mail you send may be quoted unless the writer stipulates otherwise.