Podcast for America

Our 2016 Fitness Goal? Catch Up to Donald Trump.

He could probably outrun us. At least his doctor seems to think so.

Donald Trump

Fit as a fiddle! Donald Trump, Dec. 19, 2012, in Las Vegas, Nevada.

Photo by David Becker/Getty Images

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Podcast for America is your inside look at the FUBAR Olympics of the presidential campaign cycle. Your hosts are Annie Lowrey of New York magazine, Alex Wagner of MSNBC, and Mark Leibovich, national correspondent for the New York Times Magazine.

This week, Ted Cruz is catching on in Iowa, and the caucuses are coming up. Will it be enough to take down Donald Trump?

Not in any physical sense, if Trump’s doctor has anything to say about it. His physician has given him a flawless bill of health, saying that if elected he will be the “healthiest individual” to ever be president.

And finally, a bit of well-wishing for Barack and Michelle Obama, who will stand for hours while lines of people wait for a photo op at their Christmas parties.

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