What’s it like to be a campaign reporter?

David Weigel Describes a Day in the Life of a Campaign Trail Reporter

David Weigel Describes a Day in the Life of a Campaign Trail Reporter

Slate Plus
Your all-access pass
May 15 2014 6:15 AM

They Have to Give You Some Access, and You Take Advantage of That”

A day on the campaign trail with a Slate political reporter.


Illustration by Charlie Powell

Welcome to Politics Plus, where a revolving cast of Slate politics writers and editors bring Slate Plus members one special extra.

David Weigel is driving around Georgia for the next few days, doing what he does. He’s reporting on a competitive race to win the Senate seat of retiring Republican Saxby Chambliss.  

We asked David to describe his life on the road. Here’s what he had to say about Rand Paul’s texting habits, how journalists gain access to candidates, and the value of boots-on-the-ground campaign reporting in the era of Twitter.