If Then

Google’s Chokehold on the Web

A Yelp executive explains his yearslong battle with the internet giant over how it ranks your search results.

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On this week’s If Then, Will Oremus and April Glaser talk about a privacy invasion that’s arguably scarier than Cambridge Analytica, and why it’s not getting nearly the same amount of attention. It involves your cellphone and its ability to track where you are at all times.

The hosts are then joined by Luther Lowe, the senior VP of public policy for Yelp, a company that has had some major beef with Google’s allegedly anti-competitive behavior. They’ll talk about how Google got so big, and whether federal regulators might start taking action.

Stories discussed on the show:

Slate: What Is GDPR and How Will It Affect You?

The New York Times: Service Meant to Monitor Inmates’ Calls Could Track You, Too

Slate: The Privacy Scandal That Should Be Bigger Than Cambridge Analytica

Krebs on Security: Tracking Firm LocationSmart Leaked Location Data for Customers of All Major U.S. Mobile Carriers Without Consent in Real Time Via Its Web Site

The New York Times: Inside Yelp’s Six-Year Grudge Against Google

CBS News 60 Minutes: How Did Google Get So Big?

Bloomberg: Mnuchin Urges Antitrust Probe of Tech After Google Report

Podcast production by Max Jacobs.

If Then plugs:

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If Then is presented by Slate and Future Tense, a collaboration among Arizona State University, New America, and Slate. Future Tense explores the ways emerging technologies affect society, policy, and culture. To read more, follow us on Twitter and sign up for our weekly newsletter.