The Gist on how CEO Alan Mulally saved Ford, and what happens when the Amish get rich.

When the Amish Get Rich, the Simple Life Stops Looking So Simple

When the Amish Get Rich, the Simple Life Stops Looking So Simple

A daily news and culture podcast with Mike Pesca.
July 1 2014 6:26 PM

What Happens on Amish Spring Break Stays in Florida

The Gist learns what happens when modernity and money butt up against the Amish lifestyle.

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Mo' money mo' problems.

Photo Illustration by Slate. Photo by Mark Wilson/Getty.

Listen to Episode 40 of Slate’s The Gist:


As Alan Mulally packs up his desk, Bryce Hoffman explains how the outgoing Ford CEO harnessed talent and led a cultural change from within the company. Then, Jen Banbury explains what happens when the Amish start learning how to make and invest millions. Mike’s Spiel responds to the U.S.-Belgium World Cup results before they are decided.


Mike Pesca is the host of the Slate daily podcast The Gist. He also contributes reports and commentary to NPR.