The Waves

The “Live From D.C.” Edition

The Waves on litigious men’s rights activists, Ellen Stofan, and sexist romcoms.


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On this week’s episode of the Waves—recorded in front of an audience at the Hamilton in Washington—Christina, June, and Veralyn discuss a New York Times report on a spate of lawsuits filed by men’s rights activists against the organizers of ladies’ nights and women’s networking events. Then they chat with Ellen Stofan, the director of the Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum and a former chief scientist at NASA, about women in STEM, running the most-visited museum in America, and her favorite planet. Finally, they answer some “Is it sexist?” questions submitted by listeners.

Slate Plus: Questions from members of the audience.

Other items discussed on the show:


Veralyn: Whitney

Christina: The Washington Convention Center Art Collection

June: “The Ugly Scandal That Cancelled the Nobel Prize,” by Andrew Brown, in the Guardian

Also: Live music from D.C. post-punk band Bacchae.

This podcast was produced by Veralyn Williams.

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