The Waves

The “Glowy” Edition

DoubleX Gabfest on sexual assault in gymnastics, skincare, and Jordan Peterson’s guru-dom.

Listen to the DoubleX Gabfest by clicking the arrow on the audio player below:

On this week’s DoubleX Gabfest, Invisibilia co-host Hanna Rosin, New York magazine’s Noreen Malone, and managing producer of Slate podcasts June Thomas discuss American gymnastics and the trial of Larry Nassar. Then they talk about skincare, why it’s so popular, and if there’s any deeper meaning to its current popularity. Finally, they cover Jordan Peterson and his new book, 12 Rules for Life.

Slate Plus: Are Doritos for women sexist?

Other items discussed on the show:


June: The Law & Order: SVU episode “Flight Risk”

Hanna: The Onion podcast A Perfect Murder, and “When Barbie Went to War With Bratz,” by Jill Lepore in the New Yorker

Noreen: New York magazine’s The Strategist, and the BBC podcast In Our Time

This podcast was produced by Veralyn Williams. Our production assistant is Daniel Schroeder

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