The Waves

The DoubleX Gabfest “We Want Wives” Edition

Listen to the DoubleX Gabfest on Mike Pence’s rules about women, abortion on television, and millennial men.

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On this week’s DoubleX Gabfest, Invisibilia co-host Hanna Rosin, New York magazine’s Noreen Malone, and managing producer of Slate podcasts June Thomas discuss Mike Pence’s rules about not being alone with women other than his wife. They also discuss how abortion is depicted on television and the trend of millennial men wanting stay-at-home wives.

Slate Plus: Is the response to Big Little Lies sexist?

Other items discussed in the show:


Noreen: My Best Friend’s Wedding

Hanna: The Gap of Time, by Jeanette Winterson, and “The Trauma of Facing Deportation,” by Rachel Aviv in the New Yorker

June: Ingobernable on Netflix

This podcast was produced by Veralyn Williams. Our intern is Daniel Schroeder.

DoubleX plugs:

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