The Angle

The Angle: Not Fredo Edition

Slate’s daily newsletter on Christopher Wray, the “Trump tax,” and poor Fredo Corleone.

Reporters raise their hands to ask questions about Donald Trump Jr.’s relationship with Russia during a White House press briefing on Tuesday.

Mark Wilson/Getty Images

What a clown: Did Donald Trump Jr. know that he did something wrong when he took a meeting with a Russian offering oppo on Hillary Clinton? Will Saletan thinks not, pointing to the vast “moral emptiness” the Trump son displayed in his interview with Sean Hannity on Tuesday night.

A man of character: Christopher Wray, Trump’s nominee to be the new director of the FBI, won’t capitulate to POTUS’ whims, Leon Neyfakh writes. He’s far too loyal to the norms and culture of the agency to throw them over for Trump.

Already happening: Even before the passage of any Republican health care bill, insurers are raising premiums to reflect their uncertainty about Trump’s commitment to federal subsidies, Jordan Weissmann finds. And the hikes could be substantial.

Chaos is the goal: The voter integrity commission doesn’t need to achieve its ends to sow instability. As with other Trump moves, Dahila Lithwick writes, “the end game is just to break stuff.”

For fun: Stop bringing Fredo into this.

Poor guy,
