The Angle

The Angle: Madame President Edition

Slate’s daily newsletter on House of Cards, our climate change failure, and our prospects for a female president.

For president? Maybe.

Scott Eisen/Getty Images

Where we stand: Michelle Goldberg wonders, given everything we’ve seen this year and last, when we’ll next get a chance at electing a woman as president. “It would be a very dark irony,” Goldberg worries, “if a feminist reading of 2016 led to the conclusion that Democrats shouldn’t nominate a woman in 2020.”

Here’s the spin: Will Saletan tallies up the various ways the Trump administration has been framing and reframing the cascading bits of evidence of their contacts with Russia. Talking point No. 1: Back channels are normal! Talking point No. 2: Communication is good! And so on, and so on.

Somebody will: Trump’s decision to pull out of the Paris Agreement can’t stop corporations from bending toward sustainability, Daniel Gross writes. It’ll be the way to make money. (For more mild soul-soothing in the wake of today’s horrifying announcement, I’ve been re-reading this Susan Matthews take from yesterday.)

Fifth season, still got it: Katy Waldman reviews the fifth season of House of Cards and finds that the “bloody jewel of Netflix’s original content” has become very bleak and very resonant for our times.

For fun: Dana Stevens says Wonder Woman is good!

I listen to Dana,


*** Slate’s Michelle Goldberg cover story this week was made possible by TNT’s new series American Race. Thanks, TNT! ***