The Angle

The Angle: Trump in Your Wallet Edition

Slate’s daily newsletter on Carrie Fisher’s advocacy, Poe’s law, and Trump’s effect on your personal finances.

A view of a temporary star made by fans in tribute to actress Carrie Fisher on the Hollywood Walk of Fame in California on Wednesday.

Valerie Macon/AFP/Getty Images

Where it hurts: Unless you’re a member of the 1 percent, Trump’s election may hit your finances hard, Helaine Olen writes. Changes in your health insurance and threats to Social Security are just the beginning.

The honest way: Carrie Fisher was just excellent at talking about mental health in public, Sally Satel writes. Her candor was an excellent demystifier, and she always resisted promoting fringey pseudoscience.

Be specific: Reporting around the most recent spate of celebrity deaths alerted emergency room physician Jeremy Samuel Faust to the fact that laypeople don’t seem to know the difference between a “heart attack,” “heart failure,” and “cardiac arrest.” Here’s his disambiguation.

One more rule: Does Poe’s law—the internet theory positing that on the web, fake and real extremisms are fatally indistiguishable—explain some of the worst failures in 2016’s political discourse? Whitney Phillips and Ryan M. Milner make the case.

For fun: 24 Questions Raised by Cinnabon’s Regrettable Tweet About Carrie Fisher.”

So many questions,
