
O Poetry!

Slate on poets and their work.

Slate has published a number of articles in honor of National Poetry Month this April. Billy Collins celebrated the inimitable E.E. Cummings on April 20. In a series on “Poems Against Poetry,” Robert Pinsky has written about poets and critics, bilious poets, poets who don’t like poetry, and the cunning of Marianne Moore’s iconic “Poetry.” This month Slate published original poetry by C.K. Williams, Teresa Cader, and Monica Ferrell.

But poetry deserves more than a month of coverage! In March, Meghan O’Rourke instructed readers how to read John Ashbery. In December, she assessed a new edition of Sylvia Plath’s seminal Ariel. In February, Stephen Metcalf reviewed a new biography of poet Stephen Spender. For Valentine’s Day, Robert Pinsky suggested some poems to read to loved ones. Last December, Paul Berman cheered Raul Rivero’s release from a Cuban prison. In November, Dan Chiasson celebrated Anne Winters, James Longenbach wrote about Richard Wilbur, and Adam Kirsch praised Derek Walcott, calling the bard of St. Lucia “the greatest living English-language poet.” In 2001, Eric McHenry explored how precisely W.H. Auden’s “September 1, 1939” mapped the events and emotional fallout of September 11. In 2003, he assessed new poetry by Philip Larkin.

For a complete list of Slate poems, click here.