
Get Carter

Former President Jimmy Carter won the Nobel Peace Prize “for his decades of untiring effort to find peaceful solutions to international conflicts, to advance democracy and human rights, and to promote economic and social development,” the Nobel committee announced Friday. In an acceptance statement posted on the Web site of the Carter Center, Carter said: “My concept of human rights has grown to include not only the rights to live in peace, but also to adequate health care, shelter, food, and to economic opportunity. I hope this award reflects a universal acceptance and even embrace of this broad-based concept of human rights.” After Carter’s trip to Cuba in May, Chris Suellentrop dubbed him the “Imperial Ex-President” in Slate. “Jimmy Carter’s post-presidential career has been characterized by a seemingly irresistible impulse to continue the presidency that American voters ended in 1980,” Suellentrop wrote. “Nowhere is this tendency more evident than in Carter’s free-lance diplomatic efforts, which have been governed by an anti-democratic attitude: When faced with a conflict between democracy and peace, choose peace.” In March, Carter and Bill Gates Sr. filed dispatches to Slate from their five-day journey to three African nations.