
Pundit Heaven

Slate news from Michael Kinsley.

Pundit Heaven

Slate is proud to announce the addition of 41 new columnists. Well, not exactly. What we have added is a new page called Pundit Links, with links to the most recent columns by nearly every major opinionmeister currently available on the Web, ranging alphabetically from Russell Baker to George Will, and ideologically from Molly Ivins to–oh, R. Emmett Tyrrell Jr., we suppose. The whole New York Times crowd is there, for example: Maureen Dowd, Frank Rich, A.M. Rosenthal, and so on. Along with 32 political pundits, there are links to nine gossip columns–the New York Post “Page Six,” Liz Smith, and so on–as well as to the op-ed pages of seven major newspapers.

Get to Pundit Links by clicking here, or via our “Pundit Central” page, where we give you a quick and (we hope) insightful and entertaining roundup of what happened on the weekend talk shows. And if you don’t want to trust us on this, Pundit Links will take you to the talk-show transcripts, too. Bookmark Pundit Links (Netscape Navigator users) or put it in your Favorites folder (Microsoft Internet Explorer or America Online users) and you’ll never find yourself short of an opinion again.

Having Written, Continued

Who said, “I don’t like writing, I like having written”? “Readme” asserted it was Gloria Steinem. Sundry readers guffawed and credited Dorothy Parker or Gertrude Stein. Now comes Slate reader (and occasional writer–see his dispatches on “My Life as a Nielsen Family“) Randy Cohen with the following from Dr. Johnson: “I allow you may have pleasure from writing, after it is over, if you have written well; but you don’t go willingly to it again.”

Any other nominees? Let us know at

–Michael Kinsley