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How To Get on Gladiator

The recent settlement of the Writers Guild strike won’t slow production of reality TV shows, which proliferated during the walkout. Recruitment for the shows is booming. Think you can banter with Howie Mandel? The application to appear on Deal or No Deal queries, “What is the weirdest thing about you?” Interested in mixing and matching “values” with another household? The application for ABC’s Wife Swap asks whether a family member has ever filed a restraining order against you. If you want to be a contestant on Biggest Loser, you must first give up to the producers what “someone who really knows you” would identify as “your worst qualities.”

The writers’ strike was particularly good to American Gladiators. This show, which pits amateur athletes against one another in sports competitions, ended its original seven-year run  in 1996. The strike resurrected it, and, according to Slate’s Troy Patterson, it became a “breakout hit.”  Now its producers are holding tryouts for next season (“looking for weekend warrior types that are BIG, bad, and athletic“). Would-be gladiators are asked to complete a 28-page application (excerpts below and on the following four pages) that probes the applicant’s showmanship (“List any special talents or tricks”), dreams (“If you had Aladdin’s lamp and three wishes, what would you wish for?”), and creative talent (“Draw a picture of yourself”).

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