
Clinton-Wallace Mix ’n’ Match

Match the quotation with the angry white male!

Bill Clinton

One of the following quotations is from former President Bill Clinton in 2008—last week, in fact—and one is from the late Alabama Gov. George Wallace in 1968. Can you tell which is which?

Quotation 1:The great divide in this country is not by race or even income, it’s by those who think they are better than everyone else and think they should play by a different set of rules. In [southern state] and [southern state] we know that when we see it.”

Quotation 2: “They’ve looked down their noses at the average man on the street too long. They’ve looked at the bus driver, the truck driver, the beautician, the fireman, the policeman, and the steelworker, the plumber, and the communication worker, and the oil worker and the little businessman. … [t]he average man on the street in [southern state] and [southern state]. …”

Harder than you expected, isn’t it? Welcome to the final weeks of the Democratic primary campaign.

You’ll find Quotation 1 here and Quotation 2 here.