
Do Space Aliens Advise Obama?

The Obama Messiah Watch, Part 5.

Barack Obama

Is Barack Obama the Lion of the tribe of Judah? To answer this question, Slate has been gathering gratuitously adoring biographical details from newspaper, television, and magazine profiles of the U.S. senator from Illinois, best-selling author, Harvard Law Review president, Men’s Vogue cover model, Grammy winner, teenage jazz enthusiast, and declared presidential candidate. Today’s entry is from a Rolling Stone profile by Ben Wallace-Wells:

It is early January, a few weeks before Obama is set to announce his campaign for the presidency. He is sitting in his Senate office, dangling one leg over the other knee and speaking very, very slowly. It’s not just that Obama searches for the right word; it’s that the search seems to take him to distant worlds.

Wallace-Wells doesn’t flat-out say so, but the implication is that Obama is in telepathic communication with space aliens in distant galaxies whose vastly superior intelligence enables them to game the maddeningly compressed new primary calendar. This is just the sort of thing you’d expect the Messiah to do. Alternatively, Wallace-Wells may have caught Obama wondering briefly whether at lunchtime he’d been wise to go for seconds on the Senate bean soup. This would tend to support the criticism that Obama lacks sufficient experience for the Oval Office.

Obama Messiah Watch archive:
Jan. 29: Took very few notes in class!
Feb. 5: Mastered laws governing universe!
Feb. 7: Shares ancestor with George Washington!
Feb. 9: Dug jazz when he was still a middle-schooler!