
Top 10 Super Tuesday Palindromes

Chatterbox’s call for readers to submit Super Tuesday palindromes yielded a gratifyingly large response. True, a few readers failed to grasp that the palindromes had to relate to thepresidential primaries. (Memo to Dennis Dugan, re the submission you culled from the boys’ bathroom wall at the University of Windsor in Ontario, Canada: “Satan oscillate my metallic sonatas” is very intriguing, but Satan isn’t running for president this year.) However, most readers embraced the Super Tuesday theme with gusto and imagination. Chatterbox salutes them.

Oh, and you can stop sending me palindromes now.

Honorable mention:

Star comedy by Democrats! (Reid O. Mullins, self-described “lighthearted Republican” from Oklahoma City, Okla.)No Bush, eh? Sub on! (Randy Kennedy)No McCain a.m., you? Oy! Maniac, c’mon! (Kirk Rense)Ergo, I to Nero Gore: “Not I, ogre!” (Matt Gatchell)Non, Al! Liberal, fab Bubba! Flare Bill!--Anon. (Cheryl Mary Corcoran)God on W: As I saw, no dog. (Cheryl Mary Corcoran)Man lived on–no devil; Nam. (Cheryl Mary Corcoran; this is obviously about McCain)God’s eye: Keyes’ dog. (Patrick Nolan, Matthews Media Group, Inc., Rockville, Md.)A hero? Glam? Al Gore–Ha! (A. Henderson, who credits her friend Elizabeth Allin of Takoma Park, Md.)Nam, emu lover. O, glad! Al Gore: volume, man! (Heather Nagami)Nail a timid Al Gore; has a hero; glad I’m Italian. (Tom Blumer)R. Perot party trap tore P.R. (Wayne Dunn)R’s 4 Bush oh sub 4 Sr! (William Sentell, Macalester College)Rap Bush’s art: trash, subpar. (Matt Franklin)Live Dem debate? Get a bed, me devil! (Matt Franklin)Nam, eh? Texas boobs axe the man. (Matt Franklin)

… and now the Top Ten:

10th Best Super Tuesday Palindrome:

No, I nip ol’ aroma’s day. Ne’er felt Bush subtle-free. NY ads a moral opinion. (R. Himmel)

9th Best Super Tuesday Palindrome:

O.K. Tim, Bush saw Wash. submit K.O. (David Collins)

8th Best Super Tuesday Palindrome:

Do Keyes, oh? Dubya’s mom say “Bud! Hose ye! KO’d!”(Andy Weiskopf, Needham, Mass.)

7th Best Super Tuesday Palindrome:

Harsh subnote, bad–a Geo be Cal-past;

It’s a placebo, egad! A bet on Bush(s), rah!
(Steve Klevatt)

6th Best Super Tuesday Palindrome:

Dubya won–man on top! Did pot, no ‘Nam? No way, bud. (Rick Alexander)

5th Best Super Tuesday Palindrome:

“Me? No, Wyly won ‘em.” (Matt Franklin)

4th Best Super Tuesday Palindrome:

Derogatory rot: A. Gore (D). (Benjamin Zimmer, Indonesia)

3rd Best Super Tuesday Palindrome:

No … McCain, a monomaniac? C’mon! (Benjamin Zimmer, Indonesia)

2nd Best Super Tuesday Palindrome:

Retinue-handled if on tube.

Dad’s name help, made Yale (dim).

Aim low, aside many a donor.

(Bro: No day named; is AWOL, Miami.

Delayed, ample, he mans Dade,

But no Fidel DNA.)

He: Uniter!
(Matthew Guerrieri)

… and the Best Super Tuesday Palindrome is:

I made it, I play as star. Come, Dollar Bill (lib’ral). Lo, Democrats say, “Al!”  Pitied am I. (Benjamin Zimmer, Indonesia)

Note: This guy Zimmer is obviously some sort of palindrome hustler, though in the end he beat Guerrieri by only a hair. Chatterbox doesn’t know whether Zimmer was aided by a computer program, or just has a natural gift. Or maybe there’s nothing else to do in Indonesia?