
Bushism of the Day

“I need to be able to move the right people to the right place at the right time to protect you, and I’m not going to accept a lousy bill out of the United Nations Senate.”—South Bend, Ind., Oct. 31, 2002

 “John Thune has got a common-sense vision for good forest policy. I look forward to working with him in the United Nations Senate to preserve these national heritages.”

“Any time we’ve got any kind of inkling that somebody is thinking about doing something to an American and something to our homeland, you’ve just got to know we’re moving on it, to protect the United Nations Constitution, and at the same time, we’re protecting you.”—Aberdeen, S.D., same day (Thanks to George Dupper.)

Got a Bushism? Send it to bushisms@slate.com.

For more, see “The Complete Bushisms.”