
This Week’s Bidenisms

Collecting the vice president’s gaffes and head-slappers.

The vice president produced two Bidenisms this week, including one for the ages. Please continue to send your nominations (with a link, please) to For more, and our stab at a definition, see “The Complete Bidenisms.”

“This is a big fucking deal!”—Congratulating President Obama on the passage of health care reform, a remark picked up by an open microphone at the signing ceremony for the bill, Washington, D.C., March 23, 2010

Click here to see video of Biden’s comments.

“[The president said], ‘You know what the best thing about yesterday was? Joe’s comment.’ … [I said], ‘If you thought it was so good, why didn’t you say it?’ “—Relaying the president’s reaction to his “big fucking” gaffe, and his retort, to a group of supporters at a fundraiser, Baltimore, March 24, 2010

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