
This Week’s Bidenisms

Collecting the vice president’s gaffes and head-slappers.

Vice President Joe Biden

The vice president produced two fresh Bidenisms this week. Please continue to send your nominations (with a link, please) to For more, and our stab at a definition, see “The Complete Bidenisms.”

“I hope to God you understand this race is winnable.”—striking an encouraging tone in a fundraiser for trailing Virginia Democratic gubernatorial candidate Creigh Deeds, Alexandria, Va., Oct. 8, 2009

“There’s something magical about someone from a textiles background, and who was teaching high-school civics a year ago, to be standing up here with the vice president. That’s a miracle. That’s what makes this country great.”—praising freshman U.S. Rep. Larry Kissell, D-N.C., at a fundraiser, Washington, D.C., Oct. 7, 2009


