The Breakfast Table

“What would be something the Arab street would find sufficient to give up their blood lust for?’

Dear Chris,

I’d like to come to your class (although I’ll be waiting for the heating repairman in the morning, a perpetual 10 a.m. scholar). I’ve never heard the full Matthews speech, which I hear is worth a detour.

What would be something the Arab street would find sufficient to give up their blood lust for? Think of the enthusiasm with which the Pakistanis slit Daniel Pearl’s throat. A two-fer, American and Jewish. I hope the United States gets extradition of Ahmed Saeed Sheikh, not just because he should pay on American soil for killing an American but because President Musharraf is already wearing a “Me Next” sign on his back. We take Musharraf for granted now. The leader whose name Bush couldn’t remember during the campaign has, by that part of the world’s standard, been a stand-up guy. He’s going to have to go against Pakistani intelligence; getting this suspect out of there and out of mind removes one dangerous enterprise from his plate.

So the Post this morning dupes the Times story yesterday that Osama Bin Laden is alive, and more well than he has any right to be, while the innocents who should be alive—Danielle van Dam and Daniel Pearl—are not. I’m against state-sponsored killing, but these murderers sorely tempt me otherwise.

Give us a summary of your Georgetown class. (We can audit.)

Until tomorrow,