The Breakfast Table

DNA Tracers

Dearest Stephen–My objection to the morning news is that neither D’Amato nor Schumer ran the marathon. I would have liked to see them both with Reynolds Wrap around them. I’m very impressed with the Olympian who has done it again at 41. Also Peter Schweitzer is listed for coming in at 4:10. Actually one of my favorite things is that all the runners times are listed. It seems the opposite of the hideous experience of having your grade point average listed.

On the Jefferson DNA topic–I do know Brent Staples. We were on for some reason a theater panel together. I really liked his piece in the New York Times this morning, although the entire idea of being able to trace DNA actually terrifies me. There’s something to be said for family secrets. Not in this case. I think this revelation is ultimately a useful one.

Stephen, why is the No. 1 movie in America John Carpenter’s Vampires? Does that have something to do with Chucky’s Revenge ? Stephen this weekend was the 150th anniversary of the Communist Manifesto. Just thought you needed to know. It sheds some light on the election.

Computers give me such anxiety. Oy! Wendy

P.S. I think the Tom and Sally revelation is ultimately a good thing. Although now will we find out all sorts of stuff about all of Shakespeare’s children who wrote his sonnets? Did you ever read the Ellis book about Jefferson? I thought it was great. Also Jefferson–Sally hits at the very core of this country. She was also I think 25 years younger than him. Just thought you should know that.

Walter Shapiro just called me as he is writing for Slate. He thinks we’re making sense. So I am very worried about him. Should I warn Meryl?