The Breakfast Table

Thoughts From Philly

Harry, I’ve just landed in Philadelphia after a five hour flight from L.A. with the Airphones not working. (It was U.S. Air in case you want to avoid them in the future.)

I’m here on the book tour for “Greetings from the Lincoln Bedroom” in which the chapter “Interlude from Beijing” points out with astounding prescience just how much the President of the United States–the most powerful man in the world, the leader of the richest country on earth–needed money.

The last time Philadelphia was on the front pages was when Jiang Zemin was visiting as part of his “Butchers of Beijing Unplugged American Tour”.

And now we have Johnny “The White House is like a Subway” Chung really coming through with some hard evidence. What I want to know is why doesn’t anyone resign anymore? Why didn’t even one of those Pentagon and other experts overruled by the President have the gumption to go public and resign?

And when will the Democrats finally demand some answers? As for the Republicans, it’s time they removed Dan Burton. This is getting too serious for the Hoosier Pericles.

Off to a book signing. Until later.

Arianna Huffington