The Breakfast Table

Dobson’s Choice

This is a day Newt Gingrich hopes that something else will happen. Another nuclear test on the subcontinent, new info on Princess Diana, something. That way, what goes on in the House will be noticed only by the person for whom it’s intended. The distinguished reps are voting today on the Religious Freedom Amendment, part of a package of demands forced on the Speaker by James Dobson, head of Focus on the Family, which is to the Christian Coalition what GM is to Ford. Arianna, what percentage of the Republicans who’ll feel constrained to vote for this hoax (last time I looked, the Constitution already had a fine provision protecting religious freedom, and it came right at the front, where it’s easy to find) actually think it’s a good, or needed, idea?

What percentage are just seeking cover from the religious right which finds itself used at election time and then finds its pet ideas ignored by its chosen leaders? Of course, there’s also an anti-flag burning amendment coming up for a vote soon. Exactly what part of the Constitution does James Dobson think doesn’t need his inspired tinkering?