The Breakfast Table

Back to Bulworth

Harry, when I was in the make-up chair at CNBC getting ready for Hardball, Kelly, the wonderful make-up lady, told me that only a couple of hours earlier you had been in the same chair getting ready for Equal Time. You were apparently talking about Bulworth. I don’t know what you said (yet), but I was amazed by the way Beatty, who had earlier said that Republicans and Democrats had melded into one party, dodged the Clinton question on Larry King: “As a Democrat, has Clinton disappointed you or not?” “I would dodge that,” Beatty replied, “by saying that it’s the Democratic Party (that) disjoints me right now.” What is Beatty afraid of? Come off it, Warren! Be a man, instead of a boy, for a change! Don’t you think, now, on the verge of cashing your first social security check, you’re entitled to one of the few unique pleasures of your current time of your life: elder statesmanhood?