Air-conditioning haters: AC saves lives and causes less climate change than heating.

Slate Voice: “The Case Against the Case Against Air Conditioning”

Slate Voice: “The Case Against the Case Against Air Conditioning”

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Sept. 15 2015 3:06 PM

Slate Voice: “The Case Against the Case Against Air Conditioning”

Listen to Daniel Engber read about the moral justification for using air conditioning and why it isn’t bad for you or even (relatively) for the planet.


Photo illustration by Juliana Jiménez. Photo by Thinkstock

Is the fervid crusade against air conditioning justified? Slate columnist Daniel Engber reads an adaptation of his conditioner coverage from the last couple of years, including “Hot and Bothered” which was published in August 2015 and “Don’t Sweat It,” published in August 2012. In this piece exclusively for Slate Plus members, Engber explores why air-conditioning haters are wrong.

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