Slate's mistakes for the week of Jan. 14, 2013.

Slate's Mistakes for the Week of Jan. 14, 2013

Slate's Mistakes for the Week of Jan. 14, 2013

Slate's mistakes.
Jan. 18 2013 4:00 AM


Slate's mistakes.

Red pen,Red Pen

Gabriela Insuratelu

In a Jan. 18 “Politics,” John Dickerson identified a National Rifle Association online video as a television ad.

Due to a production error, a Jan. 18 “Obit” included a photo of Esther Friedman Lederer, the twin sister of Pauline Friedman Phillips, but identified the image as Friedman Phillips.

In a Jan. 18 “Weigel” blog post, David Weigel wrote the opposite of what he meant when he stated that “Eric Cantor saying ‘we will pass something’ does mean ‘we have the votes to pass something.’ ” Just because Cantor says it does not mean he has the votes.


In a Jan. 17 "Slatest" post on the "gun-show loophole," Josh Voorhees misstated the year an article he cited was published. The PolitiFact story was written in 2012, not 2013.

In a Jan. 15 “Explainer,” Forrest Wickman misspelled the last name of language columnist William Safire.

In a Jan. 15 “TV Club” post about Justified, Rachael Larimore misstated the point in the episode at which Wynn Duffy said to Boyd Crowder, “How … Christian of you.” It was after Duffy killed his dealer, not before.

Due to a copy-editing error, a Jan. 14 “Future Tense” originally and incorrectly listed Strasbourg as being in Germany. It is in France.

In a Jan. 11 “Science,” Mark Joseph Stern wrote that federal courts have forbidden the teaching of evolution and intelligent design in public schools. The courts have forbidden the teaching of creationism and intelligent design.

In a Jan. 10 "Nuclear Power," Peter Galuszka misstated the year in which Gov. Robert F. McDonnell was elected governor of Virginia. He was elected in 2009, not 2010.

Because of a production error, in the Jan. 8 “Poem,” Richard Cory's last name was misspelled.

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