Day to Day

Thunderous Critiques

Friday, Aug. 15, 2008

Summary Judgment: Is Tropic Worth Cloning?
Critics don’t see eye-to-eye on the Ben Stiller comedy Tropic Thunder, the Woody Allen film Vicky Cristina Barcelona,and the animated Star Wars film TheClone Wars. Mark Jordan Legan breaks down the reviews to help resolve what’s worth the price of two gallons of gas. Listen to the segment.

Thursday, Aug. 14, 2008

Politics: Who Cares About Candidates’ Stance On Russia?
John McCain and Barack Obama both have condemned Russia’s invasion of Georgia. But how do their individual reactions reflect their campaigns? Alex Chadwick and Madeleine Brand talk to political correspondent John Dickerson about whether the candidates’ views on the conflict matter to voters. Listen to the segment.

Children’s Health: Should You Teach Baby To Sign?
Baby sign language is appealing to some new parents. Books, Web sites, and DVDs teaching babies to sign all claim to encourage language development and strengthen the parent-child bond. Dr. Sydney Spiesel doesn’t believe the hype. He discusses research on baby sign language with Alex Chadwick. Listen to the segment.