TV Club

TV Club 2017: The conclusion.

The end (or is it?)

Episode “USS Callister” in season four of Black Mirror
Episode “USS Callister” in Season 4 of Black Mirror.



We’ve reached the end of our conversation—even as the TV keeps on coming. 2018 will be here shortly, but 2017 isn’t done with us yet: Six new episodes of Black Mirror are incoming, as ever a bracing complement to a reality that feels more like a Black Mirror episode every day: I could barely stand to watch them. After New Year’s, the TV firehose stays open. January brings us new High Maintenance; Stephen Soderbergh’s TV–video game project Mosaic; a Ryan Murphy show (procedural?) about emergency responders, 9-1-1; Amazon’s Black Mirror counter, the Philip K. Dick–inspired anthology series Electric Dreams; Lena Waithe’s drama about Chicago, The Chi; and my dearly beloved rom-com Lovesick. (If you’re looking for something cozy and light to watch New Year’s morning, I recommend). In other words, 2018 will overflow with television, as have the years before it. There will be good, there will be meh, there will be TV made by Apple, and maybe there will even be a few shows other than Game of Thrones that we all watch at approximately the same time.

Despite all the forthcoming television, my wish for 2018 has nothing whatsoever to do with TV: I only hope we get through it not so much worse for the wear. If we do come through 2018 intact, I fancifully, greedily fantasize that it will be fictional television and not our hysterical politics that makes for the year’s biggest drama. The events of the world show no signs of permitting this as even a remote possibility, but a girl can dream, can’t she? And if she can’t dream, she can watch TV. And then, if she’s really lucky, talk about it with you.

It’s been a blast. Here’s to a happy holidays, free of constitutional crises but full of television.

