Mad Men best lines: Slate’s TV Club writers pick their favorite zingers of the week.

What Was the Best Mad Men Zinger This Week? Vote Now. 

What Was the Best Mad Men Zinger This Week? Vote Now. 

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April 21 2015 1:49 PM

Mad Men Zinger of the Week: “The Forecast”

Slate’s TV Club writers pick their favorite Mad Men lines of the episode. 

Bruce Greenwood as Richard Burghoff and Christina Hendricks as J,Bruce Greenwood as Richard Burghoff and Christina Hendricks as Joan Harris, Mad Men, Season 7, Episode 10.
Bruce Greenwood as Richard Burghoff and Christina Hendricks as Joan Harris in Mad Men.

Photo courtesy of AMC

In any given episode of Mad Men, the only thing more likely to come out of a character’s mouth than the trailing smoke of a Lucky Strike cigarette is a witty one-liner.

As we enter the final days of Sterling Cooper & Partners, Slate’s TV Club will celebrate the show’s retorts and rejoinders by highlighting a Mad Men Zinger of the Week for Slate Plus.

Agree with Hanna? Disagree with John? Vote below, and if we missed your favorite, let us know in the comments.

Last week’s most popular Mad Men Zinger of the Week was Hanna’s pick, which was an exchange between Don Draper and Diana. Julia and Hanna are currently tied.

Julia’s pick for Episode 3


Lou: “How about that sun?”
Joan: “Yes.”

Julia’s reaction: Save your inane weather chatter for someone else, Lou. The word yes never sounded so lacerating.

Hanna’s pick for Episode 3


Sally: “Well, I’m sorry mother, but this conversation is a little late. And so am I.”

Hanna’s reaction: Sally to Betty, who’s trying to warn her to stay away from the boys on the field trip. I choose it only because I get juvenile pleasure when Sally takes digs at her mom, even though it’s really easy to do.

John’s pick for Episode 3


Pete: “We have a peanut butter cookie problem.”

John’s reaction: Silly subplot, funny line.

Vote here for your favorite one-liner from this week:

Here’s how Slate Plus members are voting so far: