Mad Men best lines: Slate’s TV club picks their favorite zingers of the week.

What Was the Best Mad Men Zinger This Week? Vote Now. 

What Was the Best Mad Men Zinger This Week? Vote Now. 

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April 7 2015 3:00 PM

Mad Men Zinger of the Week: “Severance”

Slate’s TV Club picks their favorite Mad Men lines of the episode. 

Kenneth "Ken" Cosgrove (Aaron Staton) in Mad Men.
“Do you know how great you’re going to look on a book jacket?”

Photo by Michael Yarish/AMC

In any given episode of Mad Men, the only thing more likely to come out of a character’s mouth than the trailing smoke of a Lucky Strike cigarette is a witty one-liner.

As we enter the final days of Sterling Cooper & Partners, Slate’s TV Club will celebrate the show’s retorts and rejoinders by highlighting a Mad Men Zinger of the Week for Slate Plus.

Agree with Julia? Disagree with John? Think that Peggy’s snappy comeback in the elevator should have made it this week? Vote below, and if we missed your favorite, let us know in the comments.

Julia’s pick for Episode 1


Pete Campbell: “You should write an adventure story. I mean, do you know how great you’re going to look on a book jacket?”

Julia’s reaction: Leave it to Pete to tell a one-eyed man about the advantages of his eye-patch.

Hanna’s pick for Episode 1


Don Draper: “You’re not just smooth. You’re Wilkinson smooth.”

Hanna’s reaction: For years we’ve been hearing Don read brilliant ad lines at pitch meetings. But when he actually says one, like an actor in a commercial, boy does it sound weird.

John’s pick for Episode 1


Don Draper: “I’ve lived in New York a long time. I brought cake.”

John’s reaction: This ain’t my first shiva, lady. (And yet, I am perplexed by this covered mirror. How am I supposed to check my hair?) 

Vote here for your favorite one-liner from this week:

Here’s how Slate Plus members are voting so far:

Go to Episode 2 here.