Christopher Hitchens’ Mortality: The “unpublished jottings” of the late, great writer and thinker.

The “Unpublished Jottings” of Christopher Hitchens From His Posthumous Book, Mortality

The “Unpublished Jottings” of Christopher Hitchens From His Posthumous Book, Mortality

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A wartime lexicon.
Aug. 22 2012 2:13 PM

“I’m Not Fighting or Battling Cancer—It’s Fighting Me.”

The “unpublished jottings” of Christopher Hitchens from his posthumous book, Mortality.

Publisher’s note: These fragmentary jottings, published as the last chapter of Christopher Hitchens’ new book, Mortality, were left unfinished at the time of Hitchens’ death in December. Annotations by Slate editor David Plotz.

Christopher Hitchens (1949-2011) was a columnist for Vanity Fair and the author, most recently, of Arguably, a collection of essays.

David Plotz is the CEO of Atlas Obscura and host of the Slate Political Gabfest.